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The Internet is a vast, global computer network that provides access to important resources that can enhance learning and teaching activities. In its continued efforts to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act, the Board has adopted a policy for Internet safety that incorporates the use of technologies designed to block or filter Internet access for minors and adults to images and/or content considered inappropriate.  However, the nature of the Internet makes it extremely difficult to catalog all controversial materials to restrict or completely block access to them.

The St. Mary Parish School Board has established the following guidelines so that Internet users are aware of the responsibilities they are about to assume. Each computer user shall be held responsible for his/her actions and activities.  

  • Acceptable Use – The St. Mary Parish Public Schools network supports research and education by providing access to unique resources and opportunities. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S., state, local or School Board regulations is prohibited.  Investigations of topics being studied in schools, as well as investigation of opportunities outside of school related to community service, employment, or further education, are considered examples of acceptable computer use. 
  • Privileges ‑ Use of the St. Mary Parish Public Schools network is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of those privileges and may result in disciplinary action. For a list of inappropriate usage and consequences, see the Student Code of Conduct. School Board personnel conduct routine monitoring of the system and can track student navigation on the Internet. No information on the network is guaranteed to be private. This includes correspondence sent through the district provided email service. 
  • Security ‑ Any suspected security problem with the St. Mary Parish Public Schools network or the Internet shall be immediately reported to the teacher, building technology coordinator, or the principal. The problem shall not be demonstrated to other users.  Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems shall be denied access to the Internet through the network. 


This document summarizes the guidelines established by the St. Mary Parish School Board for exploring and using Internet resources within the school district. The complete policy document (IFBGA) is available at the following location: