To be eligible to participate in athletics at the junior high school level, one cannot reach the age of fifteen (15) before September 1st of the current school year. A student who reaches the age of fifteen (15) on or after September 1st will be eligible for the entire school year and must have a minimum grade point average of 1.5, in the traditional eight period schedule, a student shall have no more than one (1) F. All junior high/middle school students shall begin each school year eligible for athletics. To ensure continued eligibility grades shall be calculated after each nine-weeks grading period for eligibility/ineligibility for the following nine-week period. Eligibility status for the second, third, and fourth nine-weeks grading period will be adjusted on the report card day preceding the respective nine-weeks grading periods.
Anime Club
An organization that meets to discuss, show, and promote anime in a local community setting.
Aspiring Artist Club
Aspiring Artist Club is open to any student interested in art. Meetings are held at recess and after school.
Beta Club
Admission to this club is by invitation only. Beta is a service-oriented club and is made up of students who maintain a 3.25 grade point average.
Cheerleading is open to seventh and eighth grade students. Any student who wishes to try out for cheerleading must be in 7th or 8th grade and maintain a 2.0 grade point average with no more than one (1) F.
Dance Team
Dance Team tryouts are open to seventh and eighth grade students. Those wishing to try out must be in 7th or 8th grade and maintain a 2.0 grade point average with no more than one (1) F. Team members must remain in good academic standing and adhere to all team rules and bylaws.
The 4-H club is open to boys and girls in all grades and involves activities in the area of agriculture and home economics.
Garden Club
Garden Clun is open to any student interested. The club explores sustainability, environmental impact, and promotes interest in how to care for plants. Meetings are held after school.
Jazz Club
Insight is a club for Christian young people. Membership is open to any student who interested in joining. Meetings are held weekly during lunch recess.
Pep Squad
Pep Squad is open to all girls at BJHS. The group provides support for school activities including football, volleyball, and basketball.
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl is an academic competition team comprised of four members. The team competes against other teams to answer questions on all areas of knowledge. Students try out by taking a test to qualify as a member. Practices are held after school.
Student Council
BJHS Student Council acts as the student government of the school. Members are elected by the student body and are involved in several activities throughout the year.