Arrival Procedures
No student is allowed on campus until 7:00 A.M. When dropping off student in the car line or canopy, you can let them out as soon as you pull up to the sidewalk or canopy area. Please do not wait until you pull up to the covering to drop off unless there is inclement weather.
Bus students will be dropped off under the bus canopy beginning at approximately 7:00 A.M. Students will go through metal detector, cafeteria to wash hands and get breakfast, and then report to the gym. At 7:15 A.M., a bell will ring signaling for students to go to locker to put up anything not needed for the day (phone, backpack, etc) and report to Homeroom (8th period class). Bus drivers will give student expectations at the beginning of the year.
Car Riders
These students must be dropped off in the circular drive near the library. In case of extremely inclement weather, the bus canopy area may also be used. Upon entering school, students will follow the same procedures as those riding a bus. Students should not be dropped off at the front office.
Walkers and Bike Riders
These students will enter the school through the bus canopy door (near the band room) or the door located on the circular drive near the library. Upon entering school, students will follow the same procedures as those riding a bus.
Dismissal Procedures
We discourage phone messages to students concerning non-emergency issues. Messages to students interrupt classroom activities and cause a disruption to students. Please make after school arrangements before your child leaves home.
First load bus students will exit the building through the doors located near the band room. The buses will wait five (5) minutes before leaving. Second load bus students will also exit the building near the band room. They will be required to sit in a designated area under the bus canopy until their bus arrives. Students are only allowed to ride the bus they are assigned to ride.
Car Riders
Students who ride with parents must exit the building through the doors near the library. Parents who are picking up children should drive to the same area. PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK THE ENTRANCE FROM THE WALKING TRAIL TO THE HIGHWAY. FIRST LOAD BUSSES WILL NEED TO BE ABLE TO GET TO THE BUS CANOPY FOR 2:25 P.M. In the case of inclement weather, parents are advised to wait about five (5) minutes after the close of school to allow buses to leave. At that time, the drive near the bus shed can be used to pick up students. No students will be allowed to wait for parents in front of school by the front office.
Students who are walking or riding bicycles toward Country Club Estates should exit through the lobby doors or doors near the bus canopy. Students walking toward Golden Farms should exit through the doors near the library.