Hospital-Homebound is an alternative setting for a student enrolled in a public school who, because of physical illness, accident, emotional crisis, or treatment thereof, is not able to be moved from the hospital or home environment for the provision of educational services for at least 10 operational days. The 10 days can be projected by the referring physician or psychiatrist. All attempts shall be made to return the student to the school setting as soon as possible.
Because the illness or injury is viewed as temporary under Section 504, the SBLC Committee at the school must meet to determine how to best meet the criteria of F.A.P.E. The school nurse is a mandated member of this SBLC. This could include:
- Arranging the student’s schedule to accommodate illness or injury.
- Having all classes downstairs if mobility is affected.
- Sending work home to be completed.
- Attending school for part of the day or week.
If it is not possible to arrange any of the above, the student may be eligible to have a hospital-homebound teacher sent to the home.
Criteria for Eligibility
- There is certification by a physician that the student is expected to be home or hospitalized for at least 10 operational days and will be able to participate in and benefit from an instructional program.
- The student is under constant medical care for illness or injury which is acute or catastrophic in nature or has a chronic physical condition which has acute phases requiring homebound instruction during the acute phases. If the student is pregnant, a medical evaluation must verify there are complications in the pregnancy or recovery which could be detrimental to the health of the student.
- The student is free of infectious or communicable diseases. If the student is not free of such disease, other appropriate instructional arrangements must be made such as instruction by school to home telephone.
- The parent or guardian signs parental agreement concerning homebound or hospital policies agreeing to terms and cooperation.
- The child’s parent must contact the SBLC Facilitator at the child’s school to request a Homebound Medical Form (found in the SBLC Manual), which is to be completed by the physician. Upon receipt, an SBLC meeting will be scheduled.
- This meeting will determine what accommodations or modifications can be made in the child’s schedule, setting, etc. to attempt to keep the child in school.
- If the SBLC committee determines there is no accommodation or modification which can help the child to remain in school, the SBLC facilitator will contact (by email) the Facilitator of School Nurses to discuss the need for hospital-homebound services.
- Copies of 504/SPED Hospital-Homebound Physician’s Report, Pregnancy Report, and/or Psychiatrist/Psychologist Report are to be sent to the Coordinator of Discipline & Special Instructional Services at the Office of Special Education. Copies of all paperwork shall be filed at the student’s school in the cumulative record.
- The eligible student’s parents and the appropriate school principal will be contacted by a Hospital-Homebound Teacher, and the student will be placed for services within 5 working days of receipt of notification by the Coordinator of Discipline & Special Instructional Services.
Hospital-Homebound services for pregnant students begin on the actual delivery date or upon medical documentation of complications. Feeling tired, uncomfortable, and hurting to walk are all symptoms of late pregnancy and not a medical complication. The student and/or her family are responsible for notifying the hospital-homebound secretary once she has delivered her baby. The inability to secure childcare (babysitting) services is not an acceptable reason to file for an extension for homebound services.
A student is counted absent at school until receipt of the official notice of hospital-homebound eligibility (not the school nurse program). This official notice from the Office of Special Education will have two pertinent dates:
- Date from which to allow excused absences (this information comes from the medical form completed by the physician)
- Date from which the student is to be counted present.
Approval of absences incurred before the official date will not be handled by the Office of Special Education but will be a matter handled by the school principal.
For students receiving special education services, hospital-homebound is a change of placement; therefore, an IEP meeting shall be required for this change of placement. Also, the student will need a short-term IEP written by the hospital-homebound teacher with input from the student’s special education teacher. The student’s IEP will have to be revised by the special education teacher upon the student’s return to school. (Regular education students in need of homebound services do not have an IEP.)
Students that are academically capable will be placed in courses via Edgenuity. In addition to the homebound teacher, it is the responsibility of the school counselor, primary provider (SPED), or the 504 facilitators to communicate and assist the student at least once a week. The contact person must document contact dates and times using the Homebound Contact Form.
- Homebound instructors are assigned according to certification and the instructional needs of the child. It is critical that the family and the assigned instructor work together to ensure student success. Should the family be unwilling to accept the assigned homebound instructor, the St. Mary Parish School Board shall not be held responsible for providing this service. Instructor assignment concerns should be brought to the attention of the Director of Federal Programs.
- An adult family member shall be on the premises and available during the entire teaching time.
- Regular study periods should be established for the student as suggested by the teacher.
- All parties in the home should be appropriately dressed throughout the homebound session.
- The space provided for instruction shall accommodate the student’s physical needs and be a distraction-free learning environment conducive to academic engagement.
- A parent, guardian or adult family member in attendance is responsible for initiating the monthly time sheet for homebound instruction unless the student is of legal age.
- The student shall receive any necessary medical care before the instructor’s arrival. Doctor appointments shall be scheduled at times other than those set aside for instruction.
- Homebound students are considered present for the school day. If the student is not home to receive instruction at the designated time, the absence will be reported to the school. Any cancellation of the teaching sessions must be reported by the Homebound Teacher. Recurring absences will be dealt with on an individual basis. Absences will be reported to the Coordinator of Discipline or Designee. If necessary, the student may be dropped from the homebound program.
- If an extension of services is required, the “Notice of Hospital Homebound Extended Eligibility” form must be resubmitted to the SBLC Committee by the parent or guardian.
- Because the student is placed on homebound because of a physical or psychological inability to attend school, it is understood that the student shall not be away from the home environment unless it is for medical attention.
- Homebound students shall not participate or attend school-sponsored events without a full medical release from their primary care provider.
- Homebound students seen at school-sponsored or public events for reasons other than medical services will undergo a hospital-homebound eligibility review with termination of services as a possibility. Exceptions of long-term care students will be made through submission of a written doctor’s request to the Superintendent.
- Hospital-Homebound instructors do not administer mid-term exams, final exams, or state assessments in the home. These tests shall be taken at school. Arrangements must be made between the family and the school. Medical verification of the student’s inability to go to school to take a test must be presented to the school principal for state assessments.
- If the student moves while in hospital-homebound, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school and follow proper drop procedures.
The student receiving hospital-homebound services shall remain on school and class rosters and shall be accounted for in any reports submitted by personnel to the LEA/LDE. Assignments, tests, and grading are the responsibility of the classroom teacher(s). If a student is receiving hospital-homebound services during state testing, accommodation should be made to include the student in testing when possible. Homebound teachers shall not administer these tests.