The general school nurse provides the following additional services:
- Vision screening - Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, 3, 5, and 7.
- Hearing screening - Same as vision.
- Screening of any communicable diseases and vaccination programs. Anytime a child is found to have what appears to be a problem in these areas, the students are rechecked, and parents are notified by letters or phone calls. They are given an opportunity to seek private care. The nurse can assist with local organizations to help those who cannot afford private care. The nurses will follow up the referral to determine if the recommended care has been provided.
- School nurses conduct conferences in matters which affect performance with parent, student, teacher, and other health resource persons as needed or requested.
- American Pediatric Periodicity Screenings schedules are performed annually in accordance with state statutes.
- Dental health education is provided to first graders utilizing the volunteer services of local dentists.