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The St. Mary Parish School Board, in accordance with statutory requirements, shall require all students in grades 7 through 12, except those who’s religious and/or personal beliefs conflict herewith, to be given instruction in health education including health promotion and sexually transmitted disease prevention according to Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) approved Grade Level Expectations. 


The health and physical education teacher shall provide health promotion and sexually transmitted disease prevention instruction as a part of the regular physical education program. The school principal in conjunction with the school counselor and school nurse shall develop a schedule for the instruction to exclude sixth graders and dents whose parents opt out of the instruction. Parents may request an Opt-Out letter from their child’s school counselor or P.E. teacher.



The St. Mary Parish School Board, in accordance with statutory requirements, shall require all female students in grades seven through twelve, except those whose religious beliefs conflict herewith, to be given instruction in the proper procedures for breast self-examination and the need for an annual Pap test for cervical cancer. 


The school nurse shall provide this instruction once every two (2) years as a part of the regular physical education program. The school nurse shall work with the principal to develop a schedule for the instruction.


A written statement from the parent or guardian stating there is a conflict with religious beliefs and/or personal beliefs shall be filed with the principal of the school and shared with the school counselor to excuse a student from receiving this instruction. 



It shall be the responsibility of the pregnant student to furnish the nurse with a written statement from her physician containing the following information:

  • The fact that a student is pregnant and the expected date of delivery.
  • The length of time she may attend regular classes.
  • Specific recommendations for participating in all school activities.
  • Recommendations regarding transportation for students to and from school on buses.
  • The student will provide the necessary paperwork for homebound instruction before the date of confinement.         
  • Students may legally withdraw from school at any time a request is made from a student or parent.