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The St. Mary Parish School Board explicitly prohibits violence of any nature on school grounds, or in school buildings and/or while riding school buses, such prohibitions include any school-sponsored event which may be held away from the school. Students who participate in a physical altercation (i.e., fight) shall also be subject to the following procedure:


The principal/assistant principal will:

    • Conduct a thorough investigation.
    • Contact the parent/legal guardian of the student(s) involved. Depending on the nature/ severity of the incident the parent/guardian may be required to come to the school.
    • Have the authority to:



Junior and Senior High. The students will be assigned to the In-School Suspension Center and may be recommended for a disciplinary hearing.


Out-of-School Suspension. Due to extenuating circumstances, a student may be assigned to an OSS (Out of School Suspension).


Severe Fights. Fights of a more serious nature, involving weapons or where multiple students (three or more) are involved, will result in the student(s) being suspended pending a disciplinary hearing with Child Welfare and Attendance Hearing Officers which could result in an expulsion. Depending upon the extenuating circumstances, students involved in 3rd party fights may or may not be assigned to our St. Mary Parish Alternative Program.


Law Enforcement Officials. Depending on the severity of the altercation, Law Enforcement may be contacted by school administrators at their discretion of school administrators. If an arrest is made, an attempt will be made to contact a parent.