Title I is a federally funded program designed to provide educational and supplemental services to meet the needs of children who reside in selected attendance areas in St. Mary Parish Schools. Title I funds may be used for supplementary instructional activities, special personnel, materials, and equipment. Title I serve schools attended by significant numbers of economically disadvantaged children who need assistance and support to improve their academic performance.
Each school receiving Title I services has written a “school wide” plan outlining specific uses of Title I funds to reach the goal of helping children meet high curriculum and performance standards. The Title I program has established pre-kindergarten classes. These classes are for children who demonstrate an academic need for preschool experiences and live within the attendance area of the Title I school. Additionally, Title I provides in-school tutoring, health services, media center support and professional development opportunities.
Parent and Family Engagement is a major goal of Title I. The federal grant provides for workshops and literature that help support parents in ensuring the success of their children.
Title I: Parent & Family Engagement
In St. Mary Parish, Title I is dedicated to facilitating a positive interaction between parents and school. This goal will be achieved by providing parents with a variety of opportunities to know their school, its programs, and the staff.
The Title I program sets forth expectations for parents to be involved in their children’s education. Emphasis is placed on forming a home-school partnership to benefit the students and all those involved in their welfare.
The staff recognizes the parents’ right and responsibility to be involved in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review, evaluation, and improvement of our Title I programs. We, therefore, ask parents to assist in planning activities that will accomplish those objectives.
To further the move toward school-based management, the LEA will assist Title I schools to maintain and increase school/parent activities. The focus of these activities is to provide services and remove barriers so that the student will be successful in school. The school/parent activities will reinforce the efforts of the school in its efforts to build school/parent relationships, attendance, school-based intervention, parental involvement programs, and service integration between school and community agencies.
According to the LDOE’s Federal Programs Funding Guide, the purpose of Title II, Part A is to
- increase student academic achievement through improving teacher and principal quality.
- increase the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools.
- hold local education agencies and schools accountable for improvements in student academic achievement.
The St Mary Parish School System believes that all children should have an equal access to a meaningful education, regardless of their national origin or their home language. In compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Opportunity Act of 1974, and the State of Louisiana, Bulletin 1851 with respect to the education of the language minority students who are English learners (EL), it is the responsibility of the St. Mary Parish School System to ensure that the instruction conducted in their schools meets the unique needs of language minority students, both students who are new arrivals, and those who, though born in the United States, are brought up in an environment where a language other than English is dominant.
The goal of the EL program is to ensure that EL students attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic achievement in English, and make adequate yearly progress. The parish has in place a system that provides for the identification, assessment, placement, and instruction of EL students. All students with a primary language or home language other than English, as identified on the Home Language Survey at the time of their initial enrollment, will be assessed to determine proficiency in the English language. The information gathered will be used in placement and the planning of instructional programs.
Any person with questions or concerns about the education of EL students should contact the Title III EL Instructional Specialist at (337) 836-1767.
The purpose of Title IV is to afford all students the opportunity for a well-rounded education, provide safe and healthy schools, and incorporate the effective use of technology.