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Possession, use, delivery, transfer, sale, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, mood-altering chemicals, or controlled-dangerous substances (governed by the uniform controlled dangerous substances law), drug paraphernalia, or any items used to simulate drugs, alcohol, or controlled dangerous substances (facsimile, look-alike, counterfeit) while on school premises, on school buses, or under school supervision, is expressly forbidden.


VAPING THC. Any student possessing any vaping device designed for THC or any other illegal dangerous controlled substances will be referred to the SRO or Law Enforcement for each Violation and suspended pending a disciplinary hearing with Child Welfare and Attendance Officers. The student will also be assigned additional consequences in accordance with State Laws.



When the principal or designee after an investigation has reasonable cause to believe that a student has violated Substance Abuse Policies, the student's parents, the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Coordinator shall be contacted immediately. The school system shall request charges be brought against the student. The student shall be suspended (in-school or out-of-school suspension) from school according to the following procedures:


15 or Younger. Students less than 16 years old and in grades 6-12 shall be expelled from the Parish Public School System for the maximum period allowable under state and federal law for a minimum period of (2) two complete school semesters. The student should be referred to the District Attorney’s Office. Students shall not be allowed to return to a Parish Public School without documentation of enrollment and participation in a Rehabilitation or Counseling Program relating to the expulsion and express approval of the Parish School Board through an administrative hearing.



Expulsion Modification. The superintendent or designee may modify the expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis, providing that such modifications are in writing.


FIRST VIOLATION: When the principal/designee after an investigation has reasonable cause to believe that a student has violated any of the above, the student's parents, the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Coordinator, and the appropriate law enforcement agency shall be contacted immediately.


The student shall be suspended (in-school/out-of-school) from school pending a hearing with parent(s)/guardian, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, Drug-Free Schools Coordinator and principal/designee shall be held before the student may be readmitted to school and an appropriate educational intervention may be assigned for the student and parent(s)/guardian(s). Failure to comply with these procedures shall result in immediate referral to the juvenile court system.


SECOND VIOLATION: When the principal/designee has reasonable cause to believe that a student has, for the second time in a school year, violated the above, the student will be expelled from the Parish Public School System for a period to be determined by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance at a hearing with the student and parent(s)/guardian.