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The student dress code shall apply to all students in all schools. The following are approved disciplinary procedures for students (Pre-K - 12th grade) who are in noncompliance with the mandatory dress code policy.


NOTE: The school principal or his/her designee shall make final decisions on acceptance of garments within the uniform policy guidelines.


First Violation. The parents will bring an appropriate change of clothing to school. A call will be made to the parents to schedule a conference with the principal.


Second Violation. The parents will bring an appropriate change of clothing to school. The parent will be notified that the child is being assigned two hours in detention (SAC). The parents will attend a conference with the principal prior to the student returning to class.


Third Violation. The parents will bring an appropriate change of clothing to school. The parent will be notified that the child is being assigned four hours in detention (SAC). The parents will attend a conference with the principal prior to the student returning to class.


Continued Noncompliance. Students who are in continuous noncompliance of the dress code policy will be referred to the Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor. At this time, a disposition will be made for possible court action against the parent and/or student. 


PK-5 Students. Students in Grades PreK through 5 shall not be suspended or expelled from school or suspended for uniform violations.