A mandatory uniform policy for all students in St. Mary Parish has been implemented since the 1999-2000 school year. The policy of the St. Mary Parish School Board shall be that no mode of attire shall be considered proper for school wear that distracts from or disrupts classroom and school decorum. In questions regarding student dress and grooming, the principals of each school will make the final decision as to what is considered proper or improper dress.
The School Board feels it is the responsibility of each student to use good judgment in one's total appearance so that the attention of others is not distracted from the purpose of school. Cleanliness shall be a basic consideration.
Any substantial complaint concerning the dress code will be dealt with by the school administration.
The School Board shall notify the parent or guardian of each student of the dress code specifications and their effective date. The dress code shall be distributed in written form or posted on the school’s website annually.
If the School Board modifies the existing uniform policy, it shall notify, in writing, the parent or guardian of each student of the policy adoption or uniform policy modification at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of the new or revised policy. Each school shall display any uniform selected for a reasonable period prior to the proposed effective date for wearing the uniform.
However, nothing shall prohibit the School Board from requiring a new or revised dress code or uniform policy without the required notice in the event of an emergency. For the purposes of this policy, emergency shall mean an actual or imminent threat to health or safety which may result in loss of life, injury, or property damage.