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Class I Violations

Technology and computer-related Violations include, but are not limited to:

  1. Accessing or facilitating the access of a computer, electronic device, or networked resource without authorization.
  2. Computer use inconsistent with educational usage or goals, or any use that violates applicable copyright laws.
  3. Modifying and/or distributing student data and/or records (including grades) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) without authorization.
  4. The introduction of viruses, malware, or other illegal/inappropriate software, including unauthorized network monitoring or hacking tools.
  5. The act of engaging in surveillance of an individual, including the use of a computer’s camera or microphone or unauthorized remote desktop or keystroke logging software.
  6. Utilizing a computer, electronic device, or network resource to send threats or engage in illegal activities.
  7. These are only a few examples of violations committed through electronic means. School administration will evaluate and determine the appropriate level infraction to the Student Code of Conduct.

Class II Violations

Technology and computer-related Violations include, but are not limited to:

  1. Using a computer, electronic device, or networked resource to create access, transmit, or distribute material containing profanity, lewd, pornographic, or inappropriate content and involving a minor.
  2. The destruction or damage, either virtual or physical, of a computer, electronic device, or networked resource, including any stored data.
    -Examples: Writing on the device, placing stickers on the device, removing keys from the keyboard, cracking device screen, throwing the device or purposely dropping the device
  3. The destruction, damage, or interruption, either virtual or physical, of any district information system.
  4. These are only a few examples of violations committed through electronic means. School administration will evaluate and determine the appropriate level infraction to the Student Code of Conduct.

For intentional damage or destruction to a device, the student will be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement and be assigned a discipline consequence.