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The St. Mary Parish Public School System offers additional supports, alternative settings, programs, and/or interventions for students requiring academic remediation or acceleration, and/or behavior modification. Students and parents meet with school system personnel to discuss the opportunity for placement. All decisions are made on an individual basis in cooperation with students, parents, and the School Building Level Committee. This committee, comprised of academic and behavioral professionals as well as parents, will collaboratively develop a plan for student academic and behavioral support necessary to advance student achievement.

  • Program Placement: Students exhibiting behavioral concerns in the regular school setting are referred to Child Welfare and Attendance. A conference or disciplinary hearing is held with the referring principal, parent/guardian, student, Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor, and if necessary, a special education representative. Here, appropriate placement is determined. 
  • Students are grouped appropriately by grade span and receive grade-level instruction.
  • Support services are provided for any student with special needs in accordance with the IEP or 504 Plan. 
  • High school students continue to earn grades and/or complete course credits where applicable online through Edgenuity. The supervisor of the alternative program collaborates with school counselors to ensure that, to the extent possible, each student is enrolled in the same courses that he/she was taking at his/her school site. 
  • High school students eligible for Credit Recovery or ASAP my schedule needed coursework through Edgenuity and can earn Carnegie Units through Edgenuity. 
  • Junior high students will continue to earn grades online through Edgenuity. Students will be enrolled in four core courses on grade level, a career exploration elective, and character education modules. 
  • Elementary school students receive instruction in the four core courses, art, and character education.
  • Students will receive progress reports and report cards according to the St. Mary district calendar.