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Disciplinary actions appropriate for Class I violations shall include but are not limited to:  in school suspension (between classes, at recess or lunch time, after school); extra written  work; warnings; written and/or oral reprimands; student-teacher  conference; time-out/isolation; lower conduct grade; parent-teacher conferences; parent-teacher phone conference; loss of classroom, playground, co-curricular activities, or extra-curricular activities; restoration of facilities to original condition; referral to SWAT; referral to school counselors; and any reasonable action that has been approved by the principal.


Each classroom/duty teacher shall seek to correct general classroom/school disruption by taking appropriate suggested disciplinary action.  Only when the actions taken by the teacher are ineffective or the disruption is sufficiently severe should a student be referred to the principal.


Under no circumstances should academic grades be used for maintaining order in a classroom, nor shall student behavior be included in calculating academic grades.  An academic grade shall reflect the teacher's most objective assessment of the student's academic achievement.


Class I Violations


  1. Any conduct and/or behavior that is disruptive to the orderly educational process in the classroom or any similar grouping for instruction.
  2. Harassment or intimidation of other students -- the continued annoyance, teasing, or tormenting of another student.
  3. Gambling -- any participation in games of chance for money and/or other things of value.
  4. Unexcused absences and unexcused tardiness—after all reasonable efforts by the principal and the teacher have failed to correct the habitual absences or tardiness by the student the following shall take place:
    After the fifth unexcused absence or the fifth unexcused occurrence of being tardy within one month or if a pattern of five (5) absences a month is established, the principal or designee, with the aid of the teachers shall file a written report showing dates of absences or tardiness, dates and results of school contacts with the home, and such other information as may be needed by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.  Child Welfare and Attendance shall report the student to the family or juvenile court of the parish as a truant child pursuant to the Louisiana Children's Code Relative to families in need of services.
  5. Non-conformity to dress code. A student enrolled in grades prekindergarten through five shall not be suspended from school for a uniform violation that is not tied to willful disregard of school policies.
  1. Minor disruption on a school bus.
  2. Inappropriate public displays of affection.
  3. Intentionally providing false information to School Board employee including, but not limited to, giving false student information, forgery of school notes (including report cards), and concealment of information directly relating to school business.
  4. Any other violation that the principal (or designee)/ teacher may reasonably deem to fall within this category.  (Failure to do class work, lack of necessary supplies, littering, loitering and/or sitting in parked cars, failure to return required forms/report cards, parking in prohibited areas, "horse play," not participating in class, sleeping in class, electronic games/devices, any act judged by school personnel to be unsafe to self or others, any behavior judged by school personnel to be disruptive or destructive, failure to follow any class or school rules.)