- First violation: The electronic telecommunication device/cell phone will be confiscated by school officials. Parents will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours. The student will be assigned a two (2)-hour detention.
- Second violation: The electronic telecommunication device will be confiscated by school officials. Parents will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours. The student will be assigned a four (4) hour detention.
- Third violation: The electronic device/cell phone will be confiscated by school officials. Parents will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours. The student will receive one (1) day of in-school suspension.
- Fourth violation: The electronic device/cell phone will be confiscated by school officials. Parents will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours. The student will receive two (2) days of in-school suspension.
- Fifth violation: The electronic device/cell phone will be confiscated by school officials. Parents will be contacted to sign a release of the device within 24 hours. The student will receive three (3) days of in-school suspension pending a disciplinary hearing with Child Welfare and Attendance Officers.
- Failure to release the electronic telecommunication device/cell phone to school officials for violating the policy will result in a suspension pending a hearing with the Child Welfare and Attendance Officers.
NOTE: All confiscated electronic telecommunication devices will be held securely in the school's office.