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Elementary/Junior High Students:

1st Notice: When a student accumulates three (3) days of unexcused absences, it is required that the parent contact the school administrator for a mandatory conference.

2nd Notice: When a student accumulates five (5) days of unexcused absences, it is required that the parent attend a mandatory conference with the school administrator. Your child may be referred to the District Attorney's Early Intervention/TASC Program, Truancy Court, or Family in Need of Services (FINS) Court. The parent could be fined no more than fifty ($50.00) dollars or perform not less than twenty-five (25) hours of community service.

NOTE: Failure to attend Truancy Court will result in being required to attend an Attendance Hearing with Child Welfare and Attendance officers.

3rd Notice: When a student accumulates eight (8) days of unexcused absences, the student is in danger of failing for the year. The principal shall send a request for assistance notification to the Child Welfare and Attendance Office. Your child will be referred to the District Attorney’s Early Intervention/TASC Program or (FINS) Court.

4th Notice: When a student accumulates ten (10) days of unexcused absences, the next unexcused absence will result in the student failing for the year. It is required that the parents attend a mandatory conference with the school administrator.


NOTE: The principal shall send a request for assistance notification to the Child Welfare and Attendance Office. Recommendation will be made for a District Attorney/City Court’s (FINS) or Juvenile Court Referral for any days over ten (10) that are not extenuating circumstances.